HACCP Documentation
All food businesses have a responsibility to ensure that the food they prepare and sell is safe to eat. Under Article 5 of Regulation (EC) 852/2004 it is a legal requirement for all Food Business Operators to put into place, implement and maintain a permanent procedure based on the principles of hazard analysis critical control points (HACCP). Your hazard analysis system should be reviewed annually and if you make any changes to your business, for example menu’s or equipment.
As part of routine inspections, the Environmental Health Officer (EHO) will check that the business has an appropriate HACCP-based food safety management system in place. Failure to have such a system in place can result in the following action:- A Hygiene Improvement Notice being served on you
- Prosecution
- A poor Food Hygiene Score
Whether you’re a large manufacturer needing a substantial HACCP plan, or a small café wanting simple documentation, Our Environmental Health Professionals can help you put into place the right Food Safety Management System for your business or review your current HACCP documentation to ensure you are complying with this important legal requirement.
​Clients requiring assistance with HACCP documentation may also require HACCP Training, regular Audits and Inspections of their business or our Annual Support Package which provides regular reviews of your HACCP system.