Expert Evidence & Reports

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Our housing experts have vast experience in housing matters, and have the technical skills to quickly get to the heart of even the most complex issue.  Our experts are ex local authority Environmental Health Officers (EHO’s) who are highly qualified and are trained in drafting reports and giving evidence in both criminal and civil cases. Our reports are clearly laid out and well structured as we endeavour to bring clarity and avoid confusion.  Our opinions are clearly stated, as are any alternative view points.

Our expertise is wide ranging and includes assisting in the following matters:
  • Housing disrepair claim s & disputes
  • Appeals to the Residential Property Tribunal (RPT)
  • Representation / liaison with enforcement authorities
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Our advice should be sought as early as possible, as often the experts view can be a deciding factor in whether or not to proceed with a case. Clients requiring our Expert Evidence & Report Service may also require assistance with Housing Inspections, Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Inspections and Landlord & Tenant Disputes.